NYC to Require Vaccinations... or Else...

Breaking news: NYC is now requiring your kids to get vaccines... if you don't you will be labeled a criminal!

I'm going to be put on a special govt list for sharing this but I believe in the greater cause... AWARENESS.

The fact is, vaccines contain damaging amounts of mercury and other toxins. They don't label it "mercury", of course, they call it something unrecognizable... "thimerosal".  Do your own research on the CDCs own page:

This is proof that the doctor lied to us last year when she said "Oh, all the mercury has been removed from the shots..." Im glad we still opted out of it... she's paid to LIE.

She made us sign some papers... the desk receptionist was all freaking out when she found out we didnt vaccinate on the last appointment haha. she was running up and down the hall trying to find the doctor... we had to tell her to calm down we already talked about it with the doc...

It's getting real people. When are you going to wake up!

Beware of any product so dangerous than the government says "you can't sue the manufacturer even if it kills you" but then that same government turns around and says, "Oh, by the way, you MUST inject your child with this substance, too."

"Yep, Big Tobacco says cigarettes are safe. (And for a long time so did the AMA.) The fracking industry says fracking is good for the environment. The Corn Refiners Association says high-fructose corn syrup is healthy for children. Casino lobbyists say casinos are good for society. Monsanto says GMOs are perfectly safe to eat. Dentists insists that mercury fillings are totally safe to chew on. And not surprisingly, vaccine manufacturers swear up and down that mercury is actually GOOD for you because it "makes vaccines work better." (Yes, this is actually one of their ridiculous claims.)" - naturalnews

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