My most popular tweets from August 2011.
Please follow all those mentioned! Peace!
- The demons begged Jesus: send us among the pigs; allow us to go into them... thats why pork is unclean but they put it in everything!
- im too damn busy for the critics... too damn busy to listen, so quit it
- life takes from the takers and gives to the givers
- yeah im still taking classes ... #famouslies
- woahh whos girlfriend is this?!? #smdh
- Why some People are looking 2wice at Kanye's new album cover #rjdc
- duhhh vampires and werewolves exist get over it
- old women that wear makeup scare me. what are you put eyeliner on with a shakey hand
- you might commit suicide listening to drake but I guess that's okay
- I just told my newborn not to worry there's people older than him that can't read
- Racist ass dress code. they didnt even spell rocawear right
- wtf nicki minaj... cotton candy Ninja lost in medevil kid's play room #VMAs
- #cmonson RT @DCist_Updates: D.C. sues HIV/AIDS charity which allegedly used city grant money to build a strip club:
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