I'm not perfect, nor do I pretend to be but maybe you can learn something, be reminded of something you already knew or have a laugh or two, here are #relationshiptips #howtogetthegirl and #howtogettheman tweets from the couch of RoddyJ, August 2011 enjoy:
- Fall in love with her spirit first ... Mind second ... Body third
- Take a shower together with aromatherapy tablets or bath with candles, sensually not sexually
Retweeted by cocomele and 1 other
Retweeted by Lboogie_14
- When a girl walks by in booty shorts and mid-drift showing, dont stare, but acknowledge her by sayin dang she looks tacky
- Call and ask her if she's hungry or needs anything before you get home
Retweeted by cocomele and 1 other
- U dont need muscles. I've had the baddest chicks and I weigh 5 pounds more than Wiz Khalifa. #usewhatuhave
- Protect. So u dont need muscles to provide this. An alpha-male swagger, a group of ruffian friends or a blackbelt will do.
- Step it up! No girl dates the guy in last place. Be the best at what you do and she come to you!
Retweeted by OneGlamGam
- No guy will date the girl that did more than 1 or 2 guys he knows, I kno it's a #doublestandard but thats