World, how have you been?!? I'm just checking in with you again, this time letting you know about a new service that I'm thinking about using for my websites. It's call LIFEYO and it's a free service from Scape Networks, Inc. With this system, you can build and maintain your website using a clean, online visual interface; none of that complicated coding and web programming language. You also get 5GB of web space for free or you can upgrade to Pro for $8 a month which would give you more features and 20GB of web storage. If you are looking for something for your business then this is perfect because you can update in minutes without having to call me, your web designer; pestering me about a small change in the menu every other day, haha. Also perfect for bloggers, musicians and anyone else that needs to update their website on a consistent basis.
GET A LIFEYO: The easy way to build and update your website online!
Check out their promo vid: