Tiffany Grace - Sleeping with the Enemy

     By now, you know me for introducing you to artists that you should be on the look out for: Tiffany Grace is, by far, no exception. Don't get me wrong, but I definitely didn't expect her to sound like this!  There's so much soul and creativity packed into her songs, you can tell that Tiffany grew up listening to the likes of Aretha Franklin and Janis Joplin; it really shows in her voice. The video that I'm posting is a perfect example of what she is capable of, plus, I absolutely support her goal to spread the awareness of domestic violence and troubles facing women around the world.
     After struggling with producers trying to mold her to their liking, Tiffany started her own label, Silhouette Records. Since then she has received much recognition including the honor of having her demo featured in celebrity gift bags at the MTV Awards™!

Check out the music video for "Sleeping with the Enemy" by Tiffany Grace:

For More songs check this out:
Myspace music player

Be on the lookout for Tiffany Grace's debut: Naked Singularity.

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