The new Buzz about Google??

Google Buzz is Google's new toy and latest attempt to break into the social networking scene.  To me, it looks like a mash-up of Facebook's photo and video sharing with the feel of Twitter's micro-blogging. The "Buzz" home page at says "Go beyond status messages. Share updates, photos, videos, and more. Start conversations about the things you find interesting." Sounds like there are gonna b plenty of linkage going on to funny sites and videos along with plenty of discussion.
So far, the main downfall is getting our hands on it! There is already a "Buzz" app for the i-Phone and the new Google Nexus phone has it pre-installed on its version of Google Maps.  Buzz will allow you to basically "see" your friends updates located on a Google Map from wherever your friends send them!  Sounds cool 'til you get caught being somewhere u aint supposed to be! haha! You can also see updates on your desktop browser without ever having to refresh or go to another page. Gmail-users should be checking their mail for the new "Buzz" link under the "Inbox" link.  But will it flop like Google Wave? Guess we'll just have to see....


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