#2 The Service Provided was Crappy - I can't count the number of times my service was so bad that I have been tempted to up and leave tha joint. Maybe it's not my skin color but how I talk. Maybe it's that I just look too worth-less to give a damn how fast you can bring my food out. Maybe you are just having a bad day and are running around the restaurant like a headless-chicken and you simply forgot me over here in the corner. Or maybe you just think I'm not a good tipper so you focus on other tables that 'look more promising'. It really doesn't matter because if I'm given poor service, your tip is minimal to nilch. After all, I came here to eat, drink and hang-out with friends, not to make sure your rent is paid. The sad part about it is I have friends that won't tip if ONE measly thing is wrong, like the table was wobbly, or the waitress ain't have titties, or they took to long cooking their "well-done" steak and then they wanna complain bc it's chewy lol, YOU WANTED A WELL DONE STEAK... well done.
#3 They Don't Have No Monies Mannn - c'mon everybody know that Black folk are poor and can't afford to buy the expensive shoes, clothes and jewelery they are somehow wearing, right?? My point, is that Black people DO, in fact, have money and most of the Black males that are not locked up or dead by the age of 25 are well educated, professionals and entrepreneurs in business and are movers-and-shakers in their community. But, obviously, if you go out to eat with a $20 bill and the meal costs $20.50 you ain't tipping, as a matter of fact you might be dipping... into someone else's pocket for the rest. However, chances are that if people go out to eat, they have spare change... enough to tip decently, at least.
#4 They Are Being Cheap - now if you pulled up on dubs and you got your gold chain swangin', and you know that the tip should be 15-20% of your total, the waitress was courteous, fast and even managed your stupid request for paper plates and a high-chair for your 6 year-old AND THEN your baby moms reaches into her imitation-Gucci purse to pay and you STILL don't leave a tip.... then shame on you... I'm smdh.
#5 They Are Terrible at Math - even Rick Ross said he failed math (I know that's not really saying much but...) How many people have left $1 or $2 dollar tips bc you didn't know how much 15-20% of your total was?? Honest mistake, my bad yo. I just left the rest of the singles that I had on me; be thankful that I even bothered to leave that! By the way the food was cold when you brought it to me 20 minutes after I ordered it.... Here is a simple way to calculate a tip:
Start at 10% of the bill by moving the decimal place over one digit to the left to make the number smaller ($23.45 will become $2.34). Now, add a dollar if who served you was fast, another dollar if they were at least courteous, add one if the food was good, add another if the overall experience was good and add another dollar if you frequent the restaurant often (this shows your appreciation and is like paying dues). Overall, I add $1 to $5 dollars to 10% of the total depending on my own expectations on how my service should be. You can make your own quality check-points and let me know how it works out for you.
Anybody have anything to add? Comment below.