Read this before you Join TSU!!

You know why Facebook and Twitter measure revenues in billions every quarter? Because advertisers really want to place ads next to the stuff you're posting on those sites. Your stuff. Your content. TSU has raised over $7 million in start up funds to get the ball rolling! This means that investors see huge potential in it, shouldn't you? Time for a change! Get Paid what your network is worth!

 TSU is a free platform built to break the traditional social networking model where users provide all of the content and the social site makes all the money. Now you will be paid for the traffic you bring to your page! Not only that, but you get a percentage of what your network of referrals make too! You aren't going to become a millionaire in 30 days but by getting in early imagine building a network of hundreds of thousands of people! Everyone sharing excellent content and getting paid to socialize. 

join tsu 2
New York-based Tsu, which looks a lot like Facebook at first glance, only takes 10 percent of the ad revenue it generates, passing the other 90 percent back to users, according to founder Sebastian Sobczak. All the ad revenue Tsu makes in one day, for example, is distributed to users based on how many organic post-views they get during that 24-hour period. The more views and engagement you generate as a user, the larger portion of the pie you get. This breakdown certainly benefits the site’s most popular users (i.e. celebrities), but there are other ways to make money, too. Smaller percentages of this revenue pie are also used as incentive for people to invite their friends to Tsu, which is invite-only. Users also receive payments when the friends they invite share engaging posts, too.
PS. Sign up early so you can refer your friends and get a share of what they make too!

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What is tsu, how to join tsu!

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