Ingredients Revealed: MSG and Monosodium Glutamate

     MSG is a wonderful ingredient that tricks the tongue into thinking that what you are eating contains protein and is good for you.   So think anything with artificial meat flavoring and high sodium content... yes my famous Ramen noodles = major culprit.  MSG also signals the pancreas to release insulin, insulin drops your blood sugar = increased hunger at the same time sends the signal to your cells to pack away excess calories as fat.   The sad thing is, this ingredient also causes nerve damage because it stimulates them until they die out, hours later.... scary, huh.  It causes obesity in lab rats.  Most fast-food providers use MSG because they serve low-grade meat and need to add some additional "meat" flavor.  Burger King, McDonald's, Taco Bell all use MSG heavily in their food... even Chick-Fil-A is a culprit!  I get down with Arby's or Wendy's though, they only use MSG is in their dressings - yes even salads can have this in them.  
     Another sad thing is, the FDA says that companies don't have to say MSG on the label and can even say MSG-Free and just use one of the name nick-names for MSG on the ingredient list. 

Ingredients that = free glutamate acid:
Autolyzed Plant Protein
Autolyzed Yeast
Calcium Caseinate
Citric Acid (when processed from corn)
Glutamic Acid
Hydrolized Plant Protein (HPP)
Hydrolized Vegetable Protein (HVP)
Monopotassium Glutamate
Monosodium Glutamate
Natural Flavoring
Natural Meat Tenderizer
Sodium Caseinate
Senomyx (wheat extract labeled as artificial flavor)
Textured Protein
Yeast Food or Nutrient
Yeast Extract
Click here for more names

I even look out for most trans fats (hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils), artificial colors, artificial flavors, and most preservatives.

MSG causes obesity in rats, can cause headaches and those allergic to it can suffer ever more. 
Check out for more.

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