Stop Titan Cement Plant

In response to the decision by Superior Court Judge Donald Stephens, which reversed the state’s decision to waive SEPA review for the Titan Cement Plant, special interest groups are asking our state lawmakers to amend this important environmental protection. The new administration pledged an open and honest government, but this proposed change to our bedrock environmental law will allow projects to move forward without a comprehensive and cumulative review to ensure the protection of our critical environmental resources.

In simple terms, the proposed amendment to SEPA would exempt projects that receive public funding from environmental review and would limit your participation in deciding which projects are funded by your hard earned tax dollars. The amendment would limit what the public “knows” about what their dollars are buying them before it is bought. Without the SEPA review, projects that could harm your community, your environment, your health and quality of life could be approved and permitted without a thorough understanding of the consequences. SEPA ensures a coordinated and comprehensive and review without any duplication or cost to the taxpayer. Why would your elected officials want anything less than that?

PLEASE contact your state representatives RIGHT AWAY and tell them you oppose any amendment to the State Environmental Policy Act. It really makes a difference. Projects like Titan’s should not escape public review. Ask your elected officials to protect your environmental rights.

Thanks very, very much,
Your friends at Stop Titan / Friends of the Lower Cape Fear

List of elected officials in the area:

NC Legislature- Contact Information
Julia Boseman (919) 715-2525
R. C. Soles, Jr. (919) 733-5963
Marc Basnight, President Pro Tempore of the Senate (919) 733-6854
Sandra Spaulding Hughs 919-733-5754
Carolyn H. Justice 919-715-9664
Daniel F. McComas 919-733-5786
Dewey L. Hill 919-733-5830
Frank Iler 919-301-1450
Joe Hackney, Speaker of the House 919-733-3451

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