whateva comes to mind part II

some people will simply never be happy… yet others will spend all their time and energy trying to satisfy them…

the glass ceiling is always lower than it looks...

iz it me or are kids growing up wayyy to fast... this chick at my job told me about a 13 year old girl that asked her if she could get pregnant cuz she gave this dude head... wow, if you don’t know the answer to that shit u shouldn’t be actin so damn GROWN in tha first place! Where yo parents?! …

jus found out that this one chick don’t date black guys… no, I wasn’t tryin to holla lol, but Im jus sayin… most of us (black guys) like women with a lil shape on her, she aint gotta have a big ol badonk, jus a nice figure besides all that being intelligent, good-looking, funny, etc… so I was slightly offended by this until I realized… this chick got zero booty! like NEGATIVE ass… im like, u cant have a preference when u aint a preference!… that’s like a midget sayin she don’t date tall dudes… like a hood rat sayin she don’t date doctors… like an ugly girl sayin she dont think brad pitt is sexy… besides that’s jus ignorant to say u don’t date a certain race… im jus sayin…

the swine-flu vaccine killed 100% of the lab animals it was injected into…

this year… the united nations changed their definition for the word “pandemic” coincidence? READ my people READ…

im trying to master lucid dreaming…

secret agendas, frequency antennas … Nas is tryin to tell u something if u listen...

I only have two enemies that I know of (one of them being self-proclaimed) in the entire world right now… and I know more people than both of them put together… hmm math not adding up there…

Young Money = Junior Mafia from tha 90s…

Twitter allows people to be friends witchu but the twist is that u don’t have to claim em back… haha nice…

So many people are more concerned with your salary than your humanity and service to society…

That is all for now folks! Peace, Love, Wisdom!


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